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East Feliciana Churches
A comprehensive listing of houses of worship in East Feliciana Parish
Ashbury United Methodist Church
9296 Beechgrove Road
(225) 693-3155
Beech Grove No. 2 Baptist Church 5943 McCoy Byrnes Road
(225) 683-9459
Clinton Presbyterian Church Bank Street
(225) 683-5493
Christ Way Ministry
9449 Plank Road
(225) 683-8350
Faith Presbyterian Church
11659 Liberty Street
(225) 683-8722
Clinton United Methodist Church 11321 Old South Drive
(225) 683-5472
Faith Works Ministries
13249 Gross Road
(225) 683-1688
Day's Chapel
Highway 10
(225) 683-8653
Faith And Deliverance Tabernacle 11404 Collins Lane
(225) 683-5711
Feliciana Baptist Church
12329 Jackson Street
(225) 683-3066
Feliciana Harvest Church
12322 St. Helena Street
(225) 683-9901
First Baptist Church of Clinton 12329 Jackson Street
(225) 683-5153
Flowers Mount Baptist Church
9724 Highway 955
(225) 683-3251
Hyman Chapel AME
10732 Reiley Street
(225) 683-6952
Mt. Calvary Baptist Church Highway 422
(225) 683-3955

Mt. Carmel United Methodist Church
11096 Highway 67
(225) 683-6776
Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church Highway 67
(225) 683-8225
Mt. Zion United Methodist Church 11920 Parker Street
(225) 683-4706
New Hope Baptist Church
1405 Highway 409
(225) 683-9455
New Philadephia Baptist Church 9027 Sanford Lane
(225) 683-8112
Our Lady of The Assumption 12325 Kernan Street
(225) 683-5778
Refuge Worship Center
9415 Plank Road
(225) 683-7078
Our Lady of The Assumption Catholic Liberty Street
(225) 683-8836
St. James Bapist Church
10151 Noel Thomas Lane
(225) 683-8228
Restoration Church
10907 Plank Road
(225) 683-4441
Saving Grace Community Church
12614 Cedar Street
(225) 301-5493
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church St.Andrew Street
(225) 683-5498
Union Baptist Church
Highway 67
(225) 683-9853
Union Chapel Baptist Church
12489 Union Chapel Lane
(225) 683-3960
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church 11007 Plank Road
(225) 683-5592
St. Peter United Methodist Church 10087 St. Peter Lane
(225) 683-4844
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